Community Guidelines


What is Dibsicals?

Through Dibsicals, we foster a community of collaboration, inspiration, and support among creators of all kinds. Dibs is a unique platform that empowers creators to claim credit for their work. Creators get creatives timestamped, even the work-in-progress versions, and establish proof of possession. They connect with like-minded creators to create their own tribe to like, share and follow each others’ work.

Code of Conduct

We strive to keep our community a positive space that can be enjoyed by all. We are a community of creators who value respect, diversity, ownership and collaboration. We expect all members to abide by the following rules and guidelines when interacting with others on our platform. We want to achieve a lively place of purposeful thought-sharing and inspiration, and we highly encourage sharing, liking and following the content of your favorite creators. We ask that you follow these guidelines when interacting with others on our platform.

What We Are Fans Of

  • Be kind and courteous. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Do not insult, harass, or bully anyone or use offensive or abusive language.
  • Be honest and ethical. Do not lie, cheat, or steal. Do not plagiarize, copy, or claim credit for someone else’s work. Give proper attribution and credit when using other’s work.
  • Be responsible and accountable. Do not spam, troll, or disrupt the platform or the community. Do not post or share any illegal, harmful, or inappropriate content. Report any violations or issues to the moderators or the platform.
  • Be supportive and constructive. Encourage and appreciate others’ work and efforts. Provide helpful and respectful feedback. Seek to learn from and help others.

What We’re Not Fans Of

  • Plagiarism. Do not plagiarize, copy, or claim credit for someone else’s work, such as by using their content, images, or ideas without permission or citation.
  • Discrimination. Do not discriminate against anyone based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, or any other personal characteristic.
  • Harassment. Do not harass anyone in any way, such as by making unwanted sexual advances, sending threatening or abusive messages, stalking, or sharing personal information without consent or posting content not permitted under the applicable laws.
  • Abuse. Do not abuse anyone verbally, physically, emotionally, or psychologically, such as by using insults, slurs, threats, violence, or coercion.
  • Spam. Do not spam the platform or the community with unsolicited or irrelevant messages, advertisements, or links.
  • Trolling. Do not troll the platform or the community by posting or sharing provocative, inflammatory, or off-topic content or by deliberately disrupting or derailing discussions.
  • Hateful Content. Do not upload hateful content based on caste, religion or politics.
  • Deep-Fakes: Do not upload misleading or incorrect data, “DeepFakes” or creatives that have not been authored by you.

What to Expect When Rules are Violated

We take the code of conduct seriously, and we expect you to do the same. If you breach the code of conduct, we will take appropriate action, such as:

  • Warnings. We may issue a warning to you, either privately or publicly, and ask you to stop the offending behavior or remove the offending content.
  • Sanctions. We may impose sanctions on you, such as limiting your access to certain features, functions, or areas of the platform or reducing your reputation or ranking on the platform.
  • Suspension. We may suspend your account temporarily, either for a fixed period of time or until you comply with certain conditions and prevent you from accessing or using the platform or the community.
  • Removal. We may remove your account permanently and ban you from accessing or using the platform or the community ever again.
  • Legal action. We may take legal action against you, either civil or criminal, if your behavior or action violates any laws or regulations or causes any harm or damage to us, our platform, our community, or any third party.

We reserve the right to determine the severity and frequency of the violations and the appropriate response, at our sole discretion. We also reserve the right to report any violations or issues to the relevant authorities, if necessary.

What to do if you see a violation of code of conduct?

If you witness or experience any violations of the code of conduct, or if you have any complaints or concerns about the code of conduct, please report them to us as soon as possible. You can contact us on

Or you can simply report the creative with your comments. 

We will investigate the violation and take appropriate action, as described above. We will also inform you of the outcome and resolution of your report, and we will follow up with you if we need any further information or feedback.

Acknowledgement and Terms of Use

This code of conduct is not exhaustive and it may not cover all possible situations or scenarios. We may update or revise this code of conduct as needed, to reflect the changes or needs of our platform and our community. By continuing to access or use our platform or our community, you agree to abide by the updated or revised code of conduct.

All members of our community are expected to abide by Community Guidelines at all times. Members are also expected to abide by the law of the land.

The definitions of various subjective terms, such as “inappropriate”, will be decided at the sole discretion of the Community Administrators.

Privacy No one has signed an NDA to participate in this community, and you should not presume anything you say here will remain private, so act accordingly. Protect your intellectual property and legally protected information. 

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